
Sunday 12 February 2017

A Quick Guide to Reputation - Gondor

Here are some comments and suggestions on earning reputation with various factions in Gondor.

Dol Amroth

  • Questing, deeds and tasks in West Gondor
  • Defeating warbands in West Gondor 

Men of Ringló Vale

  • Questing in Ringló Vale, Central Gondor
  • Orcs and Roving Threats in Ringló Vale drop rep tokens

Men of Dor-en-Ernil

  • Questing in Dor-en-Ernil, Central Gondor
  • Corsairs, Haradrim and Roving Threats in Dor-en-Ernil drop rep tokens

Men of Lebennin

  • Questing in Lebennin, Central Gondor
  • Corsairs, Haradrim and Roving Threats in Lebennin drop rep tokens


  • Questing, deeds and tasks in Central Gondor
  • Defeating warbands in Central Gondor
  • Epic Battles (Retaking Pelargir, Defense of Minas Tirith, Hammer of the Underworld) 
  • Some Volume 4, Book 3 epic quests

Rangers of Ithilien

  • Questing, deeds and tasks in Eastern Gondor
  • Defeating warbands in Eastern Gondor
  • Some Volume 4, Book 3 epic quests

Defenders of Minas Tirith

  • Questing, deeds and tasks in Old Anórien
  • Defeating warbands in Old Anórien

Riders of Rohan

  • Questing, deeds and tasks in Far Anórien
  • Elite mobs (such as Mordor Uruks in the Beacon Hills) in Far Anórien drop rep tokens
  • Defeating warbands in Far Anórien

Host of the West

  • Questing, deeds and tasks in North Ithilien
  • Defeating warbands in North Ithilien

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