
Wednesday 26 April 2017

Finally Finished Mirkwood

The 10th anniversary scavenger hunt has made me go back and finish quest lines that I never got around to on Myndariel which is great. One of the quest-lines I have always wanted to finish is Mirkwood. By the time I finished Moria and Lothlórien, I was high enough level to go to The Great River so I pretty much skipped Mirkwood while levelling. I did start the epic and I have had my milestone set to The Haunted Inn for a very long time as a reminder to return.

The Haunted Inn
Dol Goldur and the doomed forest

And I finally did it - I finished the exploring and the questing (Mirkwood has some great story-telling!), got Kindred with the Malledhrim, became an "Ambassador to the Elves" (kindred with all the elven factions - Elves of Rivendell, Galladhrim and Malledhrim) and "Stalwart against the Shadow" (completed the epic quests in Vol. 2), and got three nice mounts and an Exquisite Elven Dress. It feels like a big accomplishment, even if it is a few years overdue.

Unfortunately I don't have many pictures of Mirkwood - partly because it's so dark and gloomy and partly because most of the pictures I did have are on my old computer that died recently. I will have to go back (again) and do a proper Scenic Tour of Mirkwood soon.

In the mean time, here are my new horses:

Prized Malledhrim Horse
Smokey Black Horse
Elf Ambassador's Horse

And here's the Exquisite Elven Dress (dyed violet):

Myndariel in Mirkwood

So, now I can work on a few other characters and look forward to more scavenger hunts that send Myndariel on new old adventures.

Saturday 22 April 2017

LOTRO's 10th Anniversary

Happy 10th Anniversary LOTRO!

The scavenger hunt starts at the Party Tree

The Anniversary event runs from the 20th of April to the 8th of May.

To celebrate 10 years, there are new special scavenger hunt quest chains (that may be difficult to complete for characters less than level 105 as it takes you all over Middle Earth), with some nice rewards for completing all 10 sections of each scavenger hunt.

Lower level characters can still take part in the normal Anniversary activities including fireworks at the Methel-stage in the Shire, fireworks in Bree, lost invitations in Bree, the gift-giving quest chain (Bree-land, The Shire, Thorin's Gate), the beer-fights in Thorin's Hall Festival Arena, and horse races.

There is also a new dragon themed steed (war-steed appearances also available) and matching dragon-themed cosmetic armour set to buy with Anniversary Tokens.

Steed of the Unflagging Dragon

Mount and Cosmetic Armour

Unflagging Dragon Cosmetic Armour
on a Dwarf

Unflagging Dragon Cosmetic Armour
on a Woman

To help you (and me) with the scavenger hunt, here are some tips on where to go. Note this is a work in progress as I complete the scavenger hunt too.

*Updated 17 June 2017*
The scavenger hunt runs until the 13th of July with quests unlocked weekly. All 10 years of  scavenger hunts are available now. An anniversary token barterer has been added in Bree for the remainder of the scavenger hunt. Have fun!

*Updated 22 April 2018*
Year 11 has been added to the scavenger hunt.

The Path of the Fellowship

Complete all ten years worth of Tales to earn 3 anniversary tokens, 3 ashenslade green dyes, 3 lórien gold dyes, and the title "Devoted to Company".

Year 1 Tales: Frodo

  • Collect Remembrances in Bilbo's Home - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Pat Grip and Fang at Farmer Maggot's farm - near Stock, The Shire
  • Eat a meal at Tom Bombadil's House - The Old Forest, Bree-land
  • Dance on a table at the Prancing Pony - Bree, Bree-land
  • Faint at the ranger's camp near Weathertop - Candaith's Encampment, The Lone-lands
  • Talk to Frodo in Bilbo's Room - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Sit on the chair at Amon Hen - near Parth Galen, East Rohan
  • Defeat some Fell-wights in the Dead Marshes - accessed via Cave of the Avorrim, West Gondor
  • Collect Remembrances in Henneth Annûn - Henneth Annûn, North Ithilien

Year 2 Tales: Sam

  • Bow to Gaffer Gamgee - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Eavesdrop at the window in Bag End - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Fetch a small beer for Rosie Cotton - Bywater, The Shire
  • Challenge Old Man Willow - The Old Forest, Bree-land
  • Visit Bill the Pony at the Prancing Pony - Bree, Bree-land
  • Defeat some Neekerbreekers in Midgewater Marsh - Midgewater Marsh, Bree-land
  • Talk to Sam in Rivendell about Oliphaunts - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Talk to Sam on Cerin Amroth in Lothlorien - Cerin Amroth, Lothlorien
  • Shake your fist at Gollum near the Anduin - Thinglad, The Great River
  • Cook a stew with 3 taters and 2 coneys (frypan provided)

Year 3 Tales: Boromir

  • Talk at the Spire of Meeting in Rivendell - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Use the Chronicle of Events to complete The Horn of Gondor (must have completed Vol III, Book 7, Chapter 8) - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Stride into the Redhorn Snowfall - Redhorn Pass, Eregion
  • Collect Remembrances of being led blindfolded from Echad Andestal to Cerin Amroth - Echad Andestal, Lothlórien
  • Collect Remembrances in Pre-battle Osgiliath - Osgiliath, Eastern Gondor (one near Gates of the Sun, one on the Great Bridge)
  • Find part of Boromir's Horn amongst the reeds near the Anduin north of Cair Andros - Talath Anor, Old Anórien (NE of Parth Lisc)
  • Kneel before the Steward's Chair in the Tower of Ecthelion - Minas Tirith, Old Anórien
  • Find the plaque of the former Steward Boromir in Minas Tirith - Minas Tirith, Old Anórien (1st tier near the Foodmongers' Market)
  • Defeat some foes in Old Anórien - Old Anórien

Year 4 Tales: Aragorn

  • Smoke in the Prancing Pony to the right of the stage - Bree, Bree-land (at the table near the minstrel on stage)
  • Collect Remembrances up on Weathertop - Weathertop, The Lone-lands
  • Talk to Arwen in Rivendell - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Talk to Aragorn in Rivendell to relive the reforging of Narsil - Rivendell, The Trollshaws (The Blade that was Broken quest chain)
  • Defeat some foes in Annúminas - Annúminas, Evendim
  • Pick an Elanor flower at Cerin Amroth - Cerin Amroth, Lothlórien
  • Find Pippin's brooch south of the Springview Estate in Rohan - Norcrofts, East Rohan (50.2S, 56.1W, near the bottom of a small bank/slope)
  • Collect Remembrances at the Paths of the Dead - The Dark Door (near Dunharrow), West Rohan (x1 remembrance), and Paths of the Dead, Western Gondor (x2 remembrances)
  • Visit the statue of Thorongil in Pelargir - West Pelargir, Central Gondor
  • View the marching plans inside the tent at Aragorn's Pavilion - Aragorn's Pavilion, March of the King (after-battle)

Year 5 Tales: Merry

  • Carry packs to the ponies in front of Bag End - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Visit Buckleberry Ferry - near the Brandywine River; east of Stock, The Shire or south Buckland, Bree-land
  • Collect Remembrances at Brandy Hall - Buckland, Bree-land
  • Collect Remembrances in Bonfire Glade - The Old Forest, Bree-land
  • Study the maps in Elrond's house - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Drink some of Treebeard's ent-draught in Wellinghall - Entwood (Fangorn Forest), West Rohan
  • Enjoy a meal in the gatehouse of Flooded Isengard - Isengard (after), Gap of Rohan (accessible from Derndingle or Helm's Deep in West Rohan)
  • Thank Éowyn in the Rohirrim camp at Dunharrow - Dunharrow, West Rohan
  • Mourn at Snowmane's Howe - behind Aragorn's Pavilion, March of the King
  • Talk to Merry in the High Hall (after the battle) - Halls of Healing, Minas Tirith (after-battle), March of the King

Year 6 Tales: Pippin

  • Collect Remembrances at the Great Smial - Tuckburough, The Shire
  • Steal Farmer Maggot's mushrooms - near Stock, The Shire
  • Enjoy a meal at the Dead Spire in the Barrow-downs - Southern Barrow-downs, Bree-land
  • Enjoy a meal at the Prancing Pony - Bree, Bree-land
  • Enjoy a meal in the Hall of Fire - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Look down the well in the Chamber of the Crossroads - Chamber of the Crossroads, Moria
  • Gaze into the Orthanc-stone at the eastern foot of Dol Baran - Dol Baran, Heathfell, Dunland
  • Salute Bergil in pre-battle Minas Tirith - Worker's Tier (1st tier), Minas Tirith, Old Anórien
  • Collect Remembrances on the 7th tier of pre-battle Minas Tirith - The Citadel, Minas Tirith, Old Anórien
  • Faint on top of one of the Slag Hills - Slag Hills, The Wastes (one of the two large, low, flat hilltops near the milestone) 

Year 7 Tales: Legolas

  • Dance in the Caradhras Snowfall - Redhorn Pass, Eregion
  • Hug Gimli in Cerin Amroth - Cerin Amroth, Lothlórien
  • Look from the top tower of Ost Galadh - Ost Galadh, Mirkwood
  • Spot a Nazgûl flying over the Anduin from the shore of the Great River - near Rohirrim camp, Thinglad, Great River (23.8S, 60.2W - an interactive patch of light says to "Look Up")
  • Defeat orcs in Rohan - East or West Rohan
  • Defeat orcs in Epic Battles - Helm's Deep or Minas Tirith (instance finder)
  • Resist a gull's cries on the piers of Pelargir - Pelargir, Central Gondor
  • Defeat a mûmak - Pelennor Fields, Old Anórien; near Lân Mefam or The Crossroads in South Ithilien, or in Dome of the Stars instance (can be scaled down to level 50)

Year 8 Tales: Gimli

  • Collect Rembrances around Rivendell - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Bow to Gloin in the Misty Mountains - Gloin's Camp, The Misty Mountains
  • Read the book upon the stone in Mazarbul - Chamber of Mazarbul, Moria (north of 21st Hall)
  • Look at the Mirrormere from Mekhem-bizhru - Nanduhirion, Lothlórien
  • Hug Legolas at Cerin Amroth - Cerin Amroth, Lothlórien
  • Talk to Galadriel at the house of Celeborn - Caras Galadhon, Lothlórien
  • Collect Remembrances from the East Wall to Eomer's Vengeance - The Norcrofts and Entwash Vale, East Rohan (follow the river from south of Elthengels, near the Ancient Tomb and the East Wall cliffs, towards the lake at Minas Rant (3x Remembrances), then head north from the lake towards Springview Estate (1x Remembrance on hill overlooking SW burned fields), head NW towards the big hill between Eaworth and Wyrmdelf in Entwash Vale (1x Remembrance on hilltop), then follow the road from Eaworth towards Thornhope Stable-master (2x Remembrances), and finally head to Eomer's Vengeance on a hill near the Eaves of Fangorn Forest (1x Remembrance))  
  • Defeat orcs in Epic Battles - Helm's Deep (instance finder)

Year 9 Tales: Gandalf

  • Set off fireworks near the Party Tree - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Scold Barliman Butterbur at the Prancing Pony - Bree, Bree-land
  • Talk to Radagast at Agamaur - Barad Dhorn, Agamaur, The Lone-lands
  • Read from the Chronicle of Events and complete instance: The Wizard's Vale - Rivendell, The Trollshaws (Vol. 3, Book 4)
  • Complete skirmish: Ford of Bruinen (instance finder)
  • Meditate at the Hollin Gate - Walls of Moria, Eregion
  • Collect Remembrances at Zirakzigil (1x, Zirakzigil), The Endless Stair (1x, Foundations of Stone) and the Bridge of Khazad-dûm (2x, Nud-melek) - Moria
  • Find Gandalf in Fangorn - Treebeard's Hill, Eaves of Fangorn, East Rohan
  • Shake your fist before the throne of Meduseld - Edoras, West Rohan
  • Pat Shadowfax in the High Stables of Minas Tirith - High Stables, Master's Tier 6, Minas Tirith, Old Anórien (near Dome of the Sun)

Year 10 Tales: Bilbo

  • Stand on a table at the Party Tree and give a talk - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Check what is on the mantelpiece at Bag's End - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Sing to Bilbo in the Hall of Fire in Rivendell - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Find the wooden box under Bilbo's bed at Elrond's House - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
  • Visit the Stone-trolls' Glade in the Trollshaws - Stone-trolls' Glade, The Trollshaws
  • Talk to Grimbeorn at Vindurhal in the Misty Mountains - Vindurhal, The Misty Mountains
  • Acquire one of Bilbo's buttons in Goblintown - Goblintown, The Misty Mountains
  • Think of another riddle in Gollum's Cave - Goblintown, The Misty Mountains
  • Defeat some spiders in Mirkwood - Mirkwood
  • Collect Remembrances in The Bells of Dale - The Bells of Dale (instance finder)

Ten Years of Travels

Complete all ten years worth of travels and earn 3 anniversary tokens, 3 belegaer blue dyes, 3 lavender dyes, and the title "Wanderer of Middle Earth".

Year 1 Travels: Towering Monuments

  • Collect 20 Remembrances from near the monuments
  • Visit the Bounder's Bounty Statue - Michel Delving, The Shire
  • Visit the Falconer's Tower - Fields of Fornost, North Downs
  • Visit the High King's Crossing - High King's Crossing, Evendim
  • Visit the Giant's Needle - The Giant Halls, The Misty Mountains
  • Visit the Gate of Shadows - Carn Dûm, Angmar
  • Visit the Dwarf-lords' Gate - The Great Delving, Moria
  • Visit the Gate of the Seven Fathers - The Flaming Deeps, Moria
  • Visit the Argonath - The East Wall, East Rohan
  • Visit the Stone of Erech - Blackroot Vale, West Gondor
  • Visit the Cross-roads - The Cross-roads, South Ithilien

Year 2 Travels: Tavern Crawl, Eriador

  • Collect 22 Remembrances from taverns (1-3 at each tavern)
  • Have a drink of ale at each tavern
  • Visit Thorin's Hall Inn - Thorin's Hall, Ered Luin
  • Visit the Bird and Baby Inn - Michel Delving, The Shire
  • Visit The Ivy Bush - Hobbiton, The Shire
  • Visit The Green Dragon - Baywater, The Shire
  • Visit The Floating Log Inn - The Frogmoors, The Shire
  • Visit The Plough and Stars - Brockenborings, The Shire
  • Visit The Golden Perch - Stock, The Shire
  • Visit The Prancing Pony - Bree, Bree-land
  • Visit The Comb and Wattle Inn - Combe, Bree-land
  • Visit The Forsaken Inn - Forsaken Inn, The Lone-lands

Year 3 Travels: Heights & Depths

  • Collect 20 Remembrances from high and low places
  • Visit the top of High King's Crossing - High King's Crossing, Evendim
  • Visit Men Helch - Southern High Pass, The Misty Mountains
  • Visit the top of the Redhorn Pass - Redhorn Pass, Eregion
  • Visit the Moria well - Chamber of the Crossroads, Moria
  • Visit the top of Zirakzigil - Zirakzigil, Moria (near Celebros, NE of Broken Cleft)
  • Visit the bottom of the Endless Stair - Foundations of Stone, Moria
  • Visit the Bridge of Khazad-dûm - Nud-melek, Moria
  • Visit the highest flet in Lothlórien - House of Celeborn, Caras Galadhon, Lothlórien
  • Visit Nár's Peak - Thrór's Coomb, Enedwaith
  • Visit the tip of the prow at Minas Tirith - Minas Tirith, Old Anórien

Year 4 Travels: Orc Clans

  • Collect 40 Remembrances from orcs
  • Defeat Tarkrîp orcs - Northern Bree-fields, Bree-land; Nain Enidh, The Lone-lands
  • Defeat White Hand orcs - Annunlos/Glumhollow, The Lone-lands; Redhorn Lodes, Moria
  • Defeat Ongbúrz orcs - Fields of Fornost/Norbury Gates, The North Downs
  • Defeat Blogmal orcs - Fornost, The North Downs; Ram Dúath, Angmar
  • Defeat Krahjarn orcs - Mor Maudhúl, Angmar; Mirobel, Eregion
  • Defeat Ghâsh-hai orcs - The Flaming Deeps, Moria
  • Defeat Globsnaga orcs - Redhorn Lodes/Foundations of Stone, Moria
  • Defeat Bûrzthrâng orcs - Gathbúrz, Mirkwood

Year 5 Travels: Bodies of Water

  • Collect 6 Remembrances from each of these waterways
  • Visit the shores of Nen Harn - NE Bree-land
  • Visit the shores of Lake Evendim - Evendim
  • Visit the shores of the Forochel Ice Bay - Sûri-kylä, Forochel
  • Visit the Ford of Bruinen - Ford of Bruinen, The Trollshaws
  • Visit the Water-works - The Water-works, Moria
  • Visit the Foundations of Stone - Foundations of Stone, Moria
  • Visit the shores of the Mirrormere - Nanduhirion, Lothlórien
  • Visit the shores of Nen Hithoel - The East Wall, East Rohan
  • Visit the shores of the Lake Isingmere - Wildermore
  • Visit the shores of the Lake Gilrain - NE of Linhir, Lebennin, Central Gondor

Year 6 Travels: Tavern Crawl, Rhovanion

  • Collect 20 Remembrances from taverns
  • Have a drink of ale at each tavern
  • Visit the Haunted Inn - Dourstocks, Mirkwood
  • Visit Stangard Tavern - Stangard, The Great River
  • Visit Harwick Tavern - Harwick, The Wold, East Rohan
  • Visit Floodwend Inn - Floodwend, The Wold, East Rohan
  • Visit Elthengels Inn - Elthengels, The Norcrofts, East Rohan
  • Visit Snowbourn Tavern - Snowbourn, The Sutcrofts, East Rohan
  • Visit Aldburg Tavern - Aldburg, Eastfold, West Rohan
  • Visit Beaconwatch Tavern - Beaconwatch, Eastfold, West Rohan
  • Visit Woodhurst Tavern - Woodhurst, Stonedeans, West Rohan
  • Visit The Mud - Woodhurst, Stonedeans, West Rohan (lower Woodhurst, opposite the pond)

Year 7 Travels: Places of Battle

  • Collect 6 Remembrances from each of these battle-fields
  • Visit The Greenfields - The Greenfields, The Shire
  • Visit Fornost - Fornost, North Downs
  • Visit Nan Curunir - Isengard, Gap of Rohan, Dunland
  • Visit Fords of Isen - Westfold, West Rohan
  • Visit Helm's Deep - Helm's Deep, West Rohan
  • Visit the Dead Marshes - accessed via Cave of the Avorrim, Western Gondor (3 remembrances heading west from Artamir's Camp towards the orcish Marshland Outpost [30.2S, 11.5W / 29.7S, 12.3W / 29.5S, 13.1W], and 3 remembrances to the east, south and west of the big rocky hill Haudh Aîr [28.8S, 16.1W / 29.4S, 16.3W / 29.3S, 16.2W])
  • Visit Pelargir - Pelargir, Central Gondor
  • Visit Osgiliath - Osgiliath, Eastern Gondor
  • Visit Pelennor - Pelennor Fields, Old Anórien

Year 8 Travels: Tombs and Haunts

  • Collect Remembrances from each of these haunted barrows
  • Visit Hautham - Northern Barrow-downs, Bree-land
  • Visit the Barrow of Ringdor - Northern Barrow-downs, Bree-land
  • Visit the Barrow of Taradan - Northern Barrow-downs, Bree-land
  • Visit Gwantham - Southern Barrow-downs, Bree-land
  • Visit Haudh Iarchith - Southern Barrow-downs, Bree-land
  • Visit Lhe Colvarn - Lich Bluffs, Enedwaith (entrance is a hole in the ground at Drûg-haniad, east of the road [74.3S, 15.3W])
  • Visit the Ancient Tomb - Norcrofts, East Rohan
  • Visit the Paths of the Dead - Paths of the Dead, Western Gondor

Year 9 Travels: Middle-Earth Curiosities

  • Collect Remembrances from each of these sites
  • Visit the snowman of Ered Luin - Ered Luin
  • Visit the tallest cow in Buckland - Buckland, Bree-land
  • Visit the cat house in Bree - Bree, Bree-land
  • Visit the turtle house in Bree - Bree, Bree-land
  • Visit the sand castle in - Evendim
  • Visit the amateur ice-skater in Forochel - Forochel
  • Visit the rabbit in Ost Dunhoth - Ost Dunhoth, Lich Bluffs, Enedwaith
  • Visit the rabbit cave in The Great River - The Great River
  • Visit the peculiar home in Eastfold - Eastfold, West Rohan
  • Visit the squirrel village in Eastfold - Eastfold, West Rohan

Year 10 Travels: Tavern Crawl, Gondor

  • Collect 18 Remembrances from taverns
  • Drink a pint at each tavern
  • Visit Lothgobel Tavern - Lothgobel, Lamedon, Western Gondor
  • Visit the Scholar's Tavern - Dol Amroth, Western Gondor 
  • Visit Ethring Tavern - Ethring, Ringló Vale, Central Gondor
  • Visit Forlong's Hall - Arnach, Lossarnach, Eastern Gondor
  • Visit The Wheel and Cask - Worker's Tier (1st tier), Minas Tirith, Old Anórien 
  • Visit The Mûmak and Keep - Soldier's Tier (2nd tier), Minas Tirith, Old Anórien
  • Visit The Haven - Craftsmen's Tier (3rd tier), Minas Tirith, Old Anórien
  • Visit The Merry Swan - Craftsmen's Tier (3rd tier), Minas Tirith, Old Anórien
  • Visit The Thirsty Seer - Sage's Tier (5th tier), Minas Tirith, Old Anórien

    Ten Years of Trifles

    Complete all ten years of trifles and earn 3 anniversary tokens, 3 dark clay dyes, 3 moria silver dyes, and the title "Bustling Adventurer".

    Year 1 Trifles: Old Foes

    • Defeat Baugarch - Chetwood, Bree-land
    • Defeat Jagger Jack - Blackwold Headquarters, Bree-land
    • Defeat Svalfang - Svalfang's Hut, Bree-land
    • Defeat Mangemaw - Rushock Bog, The Shire
    • Defeat Skíthi Blackhand - The Grimwater, Ered Luin
    • Defeat Morrafn - Fields of Fornost, North Downs
    • Defeat Dhît - Stone-troll's Glade, The Trollshaws
    • Defeat Rothlúg - Southern High Pass, The Misty Mountains
    • Defeat Farathlúg - Talvi-mûri (NE of Kuru-leiri), Forochel

    Year 2 Trifles: Reflections I

    You can access these instances by completing the relevant quests or, if already completed, by visiting the appropriate Reflecting Pool.
    • Complete instance: Beneath the Greenfields - Vol. 1 Prologue (The Shire) or Michel Delving Reflecting Pool, The Shire
    • Complete instance: The Infiltrator's Surprise - Turtles in the Soup quest chain in Bree, Bree-land or Bree Reflecting Pool, Bree-land
    • Complete instance: Othrongroth - Vol. 1, Book 1 or Bree Reflecting Pool, Bree-land
    • Complete instance: Retake Weathertop - Vol. 1, Book 2 or Ost Guruth Reflecting Pool, The Lone-lands
    • Complete instance: Red-pass - Vol. 1, Book 2 or Ost Guruth Reflecting Pool, The Lone-lands
    • Complete instance: A Formal Complaint - Hob Hillbrow's quests near Dwaling, Evendim or Tinnudir Reflecting Pool, Evendim
    • Complete instance: The Tomb of Elendil - The Blade that was Broken quest chain (starts with Aragorn in Rivendell) or Tinnudir Reflecting Pool, Evendim
    • Complete instance: The Twisted Heart - Longbough's quests in The Eavespires, Evendim or Tinnudir Reflecting Pool, Evendim
    • Complete instance: Fire and Ice - Vol. 1, Book 5 or Rivendell Reflecting Pool, The Trollshaws
    • Complete instance: Mordirith's Fall - Vol. 1, Book 8 or Aughaire Reflecting Pool, Angmar

    Year 3 Trifles: This Time with Feeling I

    • Do a handstand for Ivar the Bloodhand - Garth Agarwen: Barrows instance, The Lone-lands
    • Blush at Naruhel - Garth Agarwen: Fortress instance, The Lone-lands
    • Flex for Mordirith - Carn Dûm instance, Angmar
    • Sing to Helchgam - Carn Dûm instance, Angmar
    • Calm Igash the Fanatic - The Grand Stair instance, Moria
    • Kiss Vrarz the Cook - Fil Gashan instance, Moria
    • Poke Coldbear the Wight - Sâri-surma instance, Forochel
    • Scold Gorothúl - Sammath Gûl instance, Dol Goldur, Mirkwood
    • Wave goodbye to The Ring-Forge of Orthanc - The Foundry instance, Isengard, Dunland
    • Smoke with Rook (The Lord of Pinions) - The Dome of Stars instance, Osgiliath Culverts, Eastern Gondor

    Year 4 Trifles: A Good Old Skirmish

    • Complete skirmish: Trouble in Tuckborough
    • Complete skirmish: Storm on Methedras
    • Complete skirmish: Attack at Dawn
    • Complete skirmish: Thievery and Mischief
    • Complete skirmish: Defence of the Prancing Pony
    • Complete skirmish: Assault on the Ringwraiths' Lair (skirmish unlocked during Vol II, Book 9 in Mirkwood)
    • Complete skirmish: Battle in the Tower (skirmish unlocked during Vol II, Book 9 in Mirkwood)
    • Complete skirmish: Rescue in Nûrz Ghâshu (skirmish unlocked during Vol II, Book 9 in Mirkwood)

    Year 5 Trifles: Reflections II

    You can access these instances by completing the relevant quests or, if already completed, by visiting the appropriate Reflecting Pool.
    • Complete instance: Frodo's Burden - The Valley of Imladris quests, The Trollshaws or Rivendell Reflecting Pool, The Trollshaws
    • Complete instance: A Trap for the Creature - quests at Garbert's Cottage in Tâl Bruinen, The Trollshaws or the Rivendell Reflecting Pool, The Trollshaws
    • Complete instance: The Last Refuge - Vol. 1, Book 5 or Rivendell Reflecting Pool, The Trollshaws
    • Complete instance: The Doom of the North - Vol. 1, Book 14 or Rivendell Reflecting Pool, The Trollshaws
    • Complete instance: The Fellowship Departs - Vol. 2 Prologue or Rivendell Reflecting Pool, The Trollshaws
    • Complete instance: Mordrambor - Vol. 1, Book 11 or Tinnudir Reflecting Pool, Evendim
    • Complete instance: The Ties That Bind - Pynti-peldot quests, Forochel or Sûri-kylä Reflecting Pool, Forochel
    • Complete instance: The Rite of Clúclath - Crannog's Challenge quest chain, Aughaire, Angmar or Aughaire Reflecting Pool, Angmar
    • Complete instance: The Seven Swords - The Secret of the Swords quest chain, Angmar or Aughaire Reflecting Pool, Angmar
    • Complete instance: One Hope Remains - Vol. 1, Book 15 or Aughaire Reflecting Pool, Angmar

    Year 6 Trifles: Creatures Great & Small

    There are probably many places you can find these friendly creatures throughout Middle Earth. These are just some examples.
    • Pat an Aurochs - Gondamon, Ered Luin
    • Pat a Bird - Tuckburough, The Shire
    • Pat a Cat - The Party Tree, The Shire
    • Pat a Chicken - Waymeet, The Shire
    • Pat a Cow - Buckland, Bree-land
    • Pat a Deer - Rivendell, The Trollshaws
    • Pat a Fox - Barad Dhorn, Agamaur, The Lone-lands (Radagast's tower)
    • Pat a Frog - Bharad Dhorn, Agamaur, The Lone-lands (Radagast's tower)
    • Pat a Goat - Floodwend, The Wold, East Rohan
    • Pat a Pig - Buckland, Bree-land
    • Pat a Rabbit - Rivendell, The Trollshaws or Barad Dhorn, Agamaur, The Lone-lands (Radagast's tower)
    • Pat a Sheep - Waymeet, The Shire
    • Pat a Snake - Noman-lands, The Wastes
    • Pat a Squirrel - Rivendell, The Trollshaws or Barad Dhorn, Agamaur, The Lone-lands (Radagast's tower)

    Year 7 Trifles: This Time with Feeling II

    Many of these instances are raids, so bringing friends may help.
    • Flip for Thorog - Helegrod instance, Helegrod, The Misty Mountains
    • Wink at Bogbereth - Torech-i-Bogbereth, Himbar, Angmar
    • Pose for Thaurlach - The Rift of Nûrz Gâshu instance, Angmar
    • Stare at the Watcher - The Vile Maw instance, The Water-works, Moria
    • Hug Nornúan - Filikul instance, The Water-works, Moria
    • Flirt with the Mistress of Pestilence - Dâr Narbugud instance, Foundations of Stone, Moria
    • Dance for Dúrchest - Barad Guldur instance, Dol Goldur, Mirkwood
    • Wave to the Lieutenant of Dol Guldur - Barad Guldur instance, Dol Goldur, Mirkwood
    • Congratulate Draigoch - Draigoch's Lair instance, Thror's Coomb, Enedwaith
    • Curtsey for Durin's Bane - Ost Dunhoth instance, Enedwaith
    • Meditate with Gortheron's Golem - Ost Dunhoth instance, Enedwaith
    • Show Saruman you think he's crazy - The Tower of Orthanc instance, Isengard, Dunland

    Year 8 Trifles: Reflections III

    You can access these instances by completing the relevant quests or, if already completed, by visiting the appropriate Reflecting Pool.
    • Complete instance: The Drowned Treasury - Vol. 2, Book 4 or Twenty-first Hall Reflecting Pool, Moria
    • Complete instance: New Devilry - Vol. 2, Book 6 or Twenty-first Hall Reflecting Pool, Moria
    • Complete instance: The Mirror of Galadriel - Vol. 2, Book 6 or Caras Galadhon Reflecting Pool, Lothlórien
    • Complete instance: A Cornered Foe - Scuttledells quests, Mirkwood or Ost Galadh Reflecting Pool, Mirkwood
    • Complete instance: In the Presence of Saruman - Vol. 3, Book 4 or Gravenwood Reflecting Pool, Dunland (at Rohirrim Scout-camp)
    • Complete instance: Battle of the Ford, Sunset - Vol. 3, Book 5 or Gravenwood Reflecting Pool, Dunland (at Rohirrim Scout-camp)
    • Complete instance: Troubled Dreams - Vol. 3, Book 6 or Gravenwood Reflecting Pool, Dunland (at Rohirrim Scout-camp)
    • Complete instance: Lords of the Eastemnet - rebuild Hytbold quests or Snowbourn Reflecting Pool, East Rohan
    • Complete instance: The Battle for Hytbold - rebuild Hytbold quests or Snowbourn Reflecting Pool, East Rohan
    • Complete instance: Theoden, Son of Thengel - Vol. 3, Book 11 or Dunharrow Reflecting Pool, Kingstead, West Rohan

    Year 9 Trifles: Up for a Challenge

    • Defeat some foes in Sarnúr - Sarnúr, Ered Luin
    • Defeat some foes in Ost Alagos - Ost Alagos, Weather Hills, Bree-land
    • Defeat some foes in Garth Agarwen - Garth Agarwen, The Lone-lands
    • Defeat some foes in Hîsuk - Dol Dínen, The North Downs
    • Defeat some foes in Annúminas - Annúminas, Evendim
    • Defeat some foes in Giant Valley - Giant Valley, The Trollshaws
    • Defeat some foes in Giant Halls - Giant Halls, The Misty Mountains
    • Defeat some foes in Limlight Gorge - Limlight Gorge, The Great River
    • Defeat some foes in Tarlang's Crown - Tarlang's Crown, Blackroot Vale, Western Gondor

    Tear 10 Trifles: Enormous Beasts

    There are many places in Middle Earth where you could find these creatures. Below are some examples.
    • Defeat some Gorthorog - Annúminas, Evendim
    • Defeat some Stone-trolls - Ost Belegram or Ost Thondol, The Trollshaws
    • Defeat some trolls - Giant's Valley, The Trollshaws
    • Defeat some drakes - Giant's Valley, The Trollshaws
    • Defeat some giants - Giant's Valley, The Trollshaws
    • Defeat some mammoths - Giant Halls, The Misty Mountains
    • Defeat some Huorn - Eaves of Fangorn, East Rohan

    A Journey Through Middle Earth

    Complete scavenger hunts from all ten years to earn 3 anniversary tokens, Armour of the Reminiscing Dragon (cosmetic armour set), Tome of the Majestic White Stag (pet), Steed of the Reminiscing Dragon (mount) and the title "Versed in Yesteryear".

    Reminiscing Dragon Armour and Steed

    Majestic White Stag

    • Complete any Year 1 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, The Stone of Erech (housing decoration), Farmer Maggot's Dog (pet) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 2 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Little Old Man Willow (housing decoration), Bill the Pony (pet) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 3 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Dwarf Well (housing decoration), Raven (pet) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 4 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Banner of the Paths of the Dead (housing decoration), Tarkrîp Clan Shield (cosmetic shield) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 5 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Treebeard's Ladle (cosmetic axe), Fishing Creel (cosmetic backpack) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 6 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Friendly Deer (cosmetic pet), Puffy Sheep (cosmetic pet) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 7 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Legolas' Cloak (cosmetic cloak), Legolas' Hooded Cloak (cosmetic cloak), Quiet Cow (pet) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 8 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Caras Galadhon Mirror (housing decoration), Happy Pig (pet) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 9 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Erebrandir's Other Horseshoe (pocket item), Sand Castle (housing decoration), Radagast's Cloak (cosmetic cloak), Radagast's Hooded Cloak (cosmetic cloak) and Scrap Paper.
    • Complete any Year 10 scavenger hunt and earn 1 anniversary token, Cloak Rack (housing decoration), Hobbit Cupboard (housing decoration) and Scrap Paper.
    (I don't know if the Scrap Paper has a purpose but I'm hanging on to it just in case). *Update - for more information about the Scrap Paper, see my Anniversary Scavenger Hunt Finale.*

    Stone of Erech
    Year 1

    Farmer Maggot's Dog
    Year 1

    Little Old Man Willow
    Year 2

    Bill the Pony
    Year 2

    Dwarf Well
    Year 3

    Year 3

    Banner of the Paths of the Dead
    Year 4

    Tarkrip Clan Shield
    Year 4
    (The Tarkrîp Clan Shield will probably change ..."The Tarkrîp Clan Shield is indeed using an incorrect appearance. I would encourage you to hold onto the cosmetic item rather than destroying it until the problem can be rectified and you can make a decision based on its intended look." - Tybur )

    Treebeard's Ladle
    Year 5

    Fishing Creel
    Year 5

    Friendly Deer
    Year 6

    Puffy Sheep
    Year 6

    Legolas' (Hooded) Cloak
    Year 7

    Quiet Cow
    Year 7

    Caras Galadhon Mirror
    Year 8

    Happy Pig
    Year 8

    Radagast's (Hooded) Cloak
    Year 9

    Sand Castle
    Year 9

    Cloak Rack
    Year 10

    Hobbit Cupboard
    Year 10

    Monday 17 April 2017

    Introducing the Captain: Level 1-20

    Captains are melee fighters who can buff and heal their allies. They also have a herald as a companion in battle who can buff the captain as well. They are support characters that really shine in a group situation because of their buffs and versatility. They can heal, tank or dps as needed but are not as good as specialists in those roles.

    Here I'll record my experience levelling as a captain from level 1 to 20, talking about skills and specs and anything else that may be useful to know.

    Level 1 Woman Captain
    Here's our brand new captain and some basic information about her:
    • Captains wear heavy armour
    • Primary stat is Might
    • Captains use a lot of power so Fate (which provides power regeneration) is also quite important
    • Captains are the only class that can use halberds, but can also use most one- or two-handed melee weapons
    • Starting abilities are: Battle-shout (a cry which buffs damage dealt and activates the "Battle-readied" state) and Sure Strike (a basic melee attack)

    The first quest in the introduction provides a satchel that gives you a two-handed sword to wield instead of the one-handed mace you start with. At level 2 you gain two new abilities: Devastating Blow (a strong melee attack that requires the Battle-readied state and reduces damage taken) and Rallying Cry (a heal-over-time ability that affects the captain and fellowship). From now on, when you defeat a mob, Rallying Cry will be more powerful and will be displayed on the auto-skillbar as a reminder to heal up after a battle.

    At level 2 you get sent to the Captain trainer who wants you to practise activating the Battle-readied state using Battle-shout and following up with Devastating Blow.

    At level 4 you get the Cutting Attack ability which is a bleed that causes damage over time.

    Level 6 is pretty important - you can now summon your herald companion and you can choose a specialisation.

    You get three abilities so you can choose which herald to summon. You can only have one active at a time and you can give them different names (right-click on their portrait to rename or dismiss herald) and even customise their appearance later on. Call to Arms: Herald of Victory summons a herald who decreases the power costs of your abilities. This may be useful on occasions where you find yourself running out of power, but ideally you would find other ways to avoid that situation (such as having enough Fate, using buff foods or potions and watching your ability usage so you don't waste power). Call to Arms: Herald of Hope summons a herald who increases your mitigations. This may be useful when you're fighting tough mobs or if you're tanking. Call to Arms: Herald of War summons a herald who increases your damage dealt. Until you get the Archer as a herald, this will generally be the most useful companion to summon.

    Herald of Hope
    Herald of Victory
    Herald of War

    You get a pet bar to give commands to your heralds. When the herald is set to Passive he just stands near you holding his banner and does nothing but provide buffs unless you tell him to. If you set him to Guard he can help defend and assist you while you fight and if you set him to Aggressive he will attack anything nearby (which can be dangerous). These three heralds are melee fighters with only basic attacks that deal minimal damage. The herald may die occasionally but you can re-summon them in combat. They may also get stuck behind an obstacle such as a wall so there is a Rally! button that will instantly transport them to you if out of combat. Heralds are considered part of your fellowship and will receive the benefits of any fellowship abilities and buffs.

    Here are the different specialisations you can choose:
    1. Blue = Hands of Healing - increases your healing abilities; you gain Valiant Strike which is a melee attack that also provides a fellowship heal-over-time, and if you use Sure Strike in the Battle-readied state there is a chance of gaining the Focus buff for your fellowship which provides a heal-over-time, increases healing received and tactical mitigation and reduces attack duration.
    2. Red = Lead the Charge - increases your damage-dealing abilities; you gain Shadow's Lament which is a powerful melee attack, and if you use Sure Strike in the Battle-readied state there is a chance of gaining the Relentless Attack buff for your fellowship which increases critical rating, physical and tactical mastery and outgoing healing.
    3. Yellow = Leader of Men - increases your tanking/defensive abilities; you gain Threatening Shout which is a taunt, and if you use Sure Strike in the Battle-readied state there is a chance of gaining the On Guard buff for your fellowship which reduces damage taken and power costs.
    Red is pretty good for levelling - you can still heal and have defensive buffs but the extra damage from traits will help you kill things quicker. Of course, if you feel you or your group need more healing, go for blue, or if you want to protect your group, go for yellow.

    After completing the introduction, don't forget to check your mail for the adventurer's gift. It contains several useful items and starts a couple of quests, including one that rewards 5 Tokens of Salutations which can be traded with the Barterer for a pocket item that increases run speed and some health or power potions. The run speed buff can be quite helpful, especially if you don't have a mount.

    At level 7 you get your first trait point to spend in your chosen specialisation. You get additional trait points every odd level from now on, as well as from some quests and deeds.

    At level 8 you get two new abilities. Routing Cry is a short range AOE cry that does more damage if you have just defeated an enemy and will be displayed on your auto-skillbar. Make Haste is a fellowship sprint (+25% speed for 20 seconds) with a 2 minute cooldown.

    At level 10 you gain some more abilities: Pressing Attack is a melee AOE attack that requires Battle-readied state. Blade-Brother (red spec), Song-brother (blue spec) and Watchful Shield-brother (yellow spec) are spec-specific abilities that lets you buff the stats of an ally or herald. You are also now eligible to take part in Epic Battles such as Retaking Pelargir, but although you get scaled to level 100, without all the equipment slots filled and with limited abilities you will be very vulnerable, so it may not be a very successful or satisfactory experience.

    At level 12 you get the Withdraw skill which lets you break out of a daze, stun or knock-down on a 2 minute cooldown.

    By this stage, I have started finding the cooldowns on most abilities seem rather long and you can't just go from mob to mob mowing them down - you have to wait for those cooldowns or all you can do is autoattack, which is a little annoying. The lack of ranged abilities also makes initiating combat a little more dangerous - if your Battle-shout is on cooldown then basically you have to run up to the mob and either avoid other nearby mobs or be prepared to take them on as well (and you have limited AOE abilities, some of which rely on Battle-shout with its 20 second cooldown, so you'll be mostly fighting them one by one and needing all your healing). You could send your herald in to start attacking, but they don't always have the best pathing and may pull other mobs.

    At level 13 I decided to try the Retaking Pelargir Epic Battle that became available at level 10. I helped kill a few mobs but once they focused on me, I died quickly and then the NPCs got overwhelmed and died so the mission failed. I also decided to do the quests in the Cape of Belfalas housing area (there is a quest-giver in Bree near the fountain). It was a lot of running around but it was beautiful scenery, some nice housing decorations as rewards, and I made about half a level of XP.

    Cape of Belfalas
    Sailing off into the sunset

    At level 14 you learn the Words of Courage ability to apply healing-over-time to an ally.

    At level 15 you gain some passive abilities - you can now wield shields or the Captain's iconic halberd. You also get sent a letter to visit your class trainer who asks you to assist Hazel Kenton in Bree, by retrieving a badge that was stolen by the brigand Aldis Oatbearer and returning it to its rightful owner. If you haven't already done Grimbriar's quests north of Bree, they send you to the same area as the class quest so you might want to do them all at the same time.

    Aldis Oatbearer at Brigand's Watch

    As a reward for completing your class quest, you get a halberd and the title "Inspiration to Men".

    Level 16 provides some more group utility - Muster Courage removes a debuff such as disease, fear, poison or wounds from the Captain and allies, while Motivating Speech is a fellowship buff that can be toggled on to give increased maximum morale.

    At level 19 I was questing in the Barrow-downs and tried out all three specs. Blue (healing) was pretty good - there was a lot of passive healing so I barely needed to use Rallying Cry (only when fighting multiple mobs or elites) and it didn't feel much slower than in red spec. In Red (DPS) I could take on a few mobs and used Rallying Cry occasionally, but there were still some times when I was waiting for abilities to become available. Yellow (tanking) is supposed to make you tougher but I found I was taking more damage, needed a lot more healing and fights were noticeably longer so it wasn't as enjoyable.

    There are no new abilities until level 20 and then you get two resurrection abilities: Escape from Darkness lets you revive an ally in-combat and Inspiriting Call lets you revive an ally out of combat. You also get some passive abilities: a critical defence bonus that reduces chance of receiving a critical hit and you can now use armaments. You can get a Simple Standard of War to go in your ranged equipment slot from the Captain trainer which increases your physical mastery and morale. Tailors can make armaments which let you change the appearance of your herald and give them armour buffs. For more information on how to customise your herald's appearance, see my guide on Captains and Custom Heralds.

    Once I reached level 20 I visited the Skirmish Camp vendors and replaced most of my questing gear with upgrades. Here's how she looks at level 20:

    Level 20 Woman Captain

    I then went to the training dummies in the Training Hall in Bree and tested each spec's DPS with no consumable buffs active over 3 minutes, and took a screenshot at the end to eliminate the effects of DoTs that kept going after I stopped attacking. For virtues, I had two tiers of Loyalty and one tier of Charity. With my 7 trait points, I focused on damage-boosting traits where possible. For all specs I had the Herald of War summoned for the buff, but set to passive so it didn't contribute any damage.

    Here are my DPS results (collected with CombatAnalysis plugin):
    StatisticsHands of Healing (Blue)Lead the Charge (Red)Leader of Men (Yellow)
    Time2 m 20.2 s3 m 0.4 s3 m 0.1 s
    Average DPS84.591.179.1
    Minimum Hit393940
    Average Hit777878
    Maximum Hit265466436
    Critical Strikes (%)22 (14.3%)29 (13.9%)24 (13.1%)
    Power (%)22/1016 (2.2%)275/1016 (27.1%)487/1016 (47.9%)
    Skill Priorities:
    1. Battle Shout
    2. Sure Strike
    3. Devastating Blow
    4. Cutting Attack
    5. Valiant Strike
    6. Routing Cry
    1. Battle Shout
    2. Sure Strike
    3. Devastating Blow
    4. Cutting Attack
    5. Shadow's Lament
    6. Routing Cry
    1. Battle Shout
    2. Sure Strike
    3. Devastating Blow
    4. Cutting Attack
    5. Routing Cry

    I had to stop the Blue spec assessment early because I ran out of power. I didn't think it would be a fair comparison to use a potion or wait for in-combat power regeneration, but I think the Average DPS gives a reasonable indication of it's potential if you can maintain your power. Red spec was also running low on power (almost down to 25%) and couldn't have kept going much longer without some help. I guess this reflects how Captains are designed more for support than sustained DPS.

    My skill priorities were based on activating the Battle-readied state with Battle-shout (which can also be useful for engaging mobs from a distance),  Sure-strike provides a nice buff when in the Battle-readied state, and Devastating Blow requires the Battle-readied state to trigger the Battle-hardened buff. Then I want to get a bleed on the target with Cutting Attack so damage keeps ticking away, apply some burst damage and additional buffs with Valiant Strike/Shadow's Lament and finally, use Routing Cry when a defeat response is triggered or if there is nothing else available.

    General Observations

    Heralds are weak (they die easily if fighting a mob on their own) and stupid (they run straight into walls and mobs). They're like level 1 newbies, all enthusiasm but no skill yet. Give them some guidance and they can be valuable allies. Plus, it's nice to have some company, especially if you're soloing.

    Potions, especially power potions, are very helpful to have on hand.

    You can use Marks (Revealing Mark/Telling Mark/Noble Mark) before you enter combat.

    Try to keep your buffs up and make the most of the defeat response opportunities.


    Blue - Hands of Healing: It's great to be able to heal while dealing damage (health hardly dropped), but it's easy to run out of power. If you're having power issues, try to use Valiant Strike and Rallying Cry only when needed, and/or switch to using the Herald of Victory. Additional methods of regaining power will become available at higher levels too. Power management is the price for having so much utility (healing, damage and buffs). Overall, I think this spec has good survivability and makes you pay attention to how you play, which may help you become a better Captain.

    Red - Lead the Charge: The melee DPS is so-so, but you should be able to take on a few mobs at once, with your AOE abilities, buffs, heals and your herald. A 2-handed weapon is probably best for damage output, although a sword-and-board may be useful for facing tough mobs. Overall, I think this is probably the easiest spec to level a Captain with.

    Yellow - Leader of Men: Despite the defensive buffs this spec provides, I found myself taking more damage and dealing less damage with more waiting-time than in red or blue specs. While you can get a trait bonus that lets you block with a 2-handed weapon, perhaps sword-and-board would help, or perhaps this spec gets better at higher levels with more suitable gear, abilities and traits. The only good thing I could say about it was that it had no power issues. Overall, I wouldn't recommend this spec for levelling, but it may be useful in some situations.


    • Might - your main stat that increases damage and healing
    • Fate - increases power regeneration and critical strike chance
    • Morale and Vitality - increases survivability
    • Mitigations and resistances - reduces damage taken
    These stats should help make the levelling process a bit easier in the beginning. Look for heavy armour with might and maybe some jewellery with fate. Morale is always helpful (vitality also increases morale). The best place to get mitigations and resistances at low level is probably from virtues.

    Here are some virtues that may be helpful for Captains and how to get them by level 20:


    (physical mitigation, tactical mitigation, resistance)
    Complete 75 quests in The ShireLife of a Bounder (Final)(The Shire)

    (physical mitigation, tactical mitigation, non-combat power regeneration)
    Complete 15 quests in The Shire

    Complete 20 quests in Ered Luin
    Life of a Bounder (The Shire)

    Defender of Ered Luin (Ered Luin)

    (might, physical mitigation, resistance)
    Defeat 90 wolves in Ered Luin

    Defeat 60 hendrovail in Ered Luin

    Defeat 60 sickle-flies in Bree-land
    Wolf-slayer (Advanced)(Ered Luin)

    Hendroval-slayer (Advanced)(Ered Luin)

    Sickle-fly Slayer (Advanced)(Bree-land)

    (physical mitigation, resistance, in-combat power regeneration)
    Explore Dwarven settlements in Ered Luin

    Retrieve spoiled pies in The Shire

    Deliver mail between settlements in The Shire

    Explore the ruins of Bree-land

    Explore the Barrow-downs in Bree-land
    Places of the Dwarves (Ered Luin)

    No Place for Spoiled Pies (The Shire)

    Restoring the Quick Post (The Shire)

    The Ruins of Bree-land (Bree-land)

    The Barrow-downs (Bree-land)


    (morale, physical mitigation, armour)
    Defeat 90 goblins in Ered Luin

    Defeat 90 spiders in Ered Luin

    Defeat 90 Barrow-spiders in Bree-land
    Goblin-slayer (Advanced)(Ered Luin)

    Spider-slayer (Advanced)(Ered Luin)

    Brood-hunter (Advanced)(Bree-land)

    (resistance, tactical mitigation, vitality)
    Defeat 60 spiders in The Shire

    Defeat 90 spiders in Bree-land
    Spider-slayer (Advanced)(The Shire)

    Spider-slayer (Advanced)(Bree-land)

    (tactical mitigation, vitality, power)
    Explore landmarks in The Shire

    Explore Dourhand strongholds in Ered Luin
    The Sights of the Shire (The Shire)

    Scouting the Dourhands (Ered Luin)

    Pros of the Captain Class

    • Versatile - can heal, DPS, tank and provide buffs
    • Has a customisable pet (herald)
    • Good survivability
    • Popular in group situations

    Cons of the Captain Class

    • Limited ranged abilities
    • Not specialised (i.e. don't expect to be the best healer/tank/DPS)
    • Power management

    I hope this has been helpful. Feel free to leave any questions or advice for new captains in the comments below.

    Coming soon in the Introducing X Class series: the Champion.

      Sunday 2 April 2017

      Spring Festival and Update 20

      I love Spring Festival in LOTRO! There's so many activities and there are usually some very nice rewards. This year does not disappoint!

      One of my little hunters was delighted to see the Steed of the (Moon) Moth has pretty green and brown decorations and the Cloak of the Moth is amazing how it shimmers and changes colour as it moves!

      Steed of the (Moon) Moth - Spring Festival 2017

      Cloak of the Moth (green/purple)

      Cloak of the Moth (yellow/orange)

      The dresses are nice too, but not in the same league as the cloak. I've got what I want from Spring Festival so now it's time to check out the new zone in Mordor ...

      Update 20: Battle of the Black Gate includes a new zone The Wastes (Camp of the Host is now in The Wastes instead of North Ithilien), plus two new resource dungeons (Carchost, the Towers of the Teeth and Skoironk, the Maggot-holes) with solo and group options. The Epic story has a new episode, the raid gear from the Throne of the Dread Tower can be upgraded further, there are a couple of new recipes for each profession and there are new rewards for helping the Host of the West prepare for the Battle of the Black Gate.

      The barren Wastes
      Ruins dot the landscape
      Looking towards the Black Gate
      There are many ruins scattered across The Wastes, different types of flowers such as Bonemallow and Mournweed that yield phials of violet or golden extracts, and new resource nodes that yield scraps of Dagorlad weapons and armour, wood, cloth, onyx, artifacts, edible plants and occasionally Rangers' crafting journals that are used in new crafting recipes with a cooldown that make items to barter for reputation tokens which can be used to increase reputation with The Host of the West beyond kindred level or traded for new items and gear (including epic jewellery, shields and off-hand weapons).

      I tried the Carchost resource instance but couldn't find any resources, only orcs and bats. There were a couple of items that seemed to be part of a quest but I couldn't interact with them or find any quest-givers. Maybe I didn't explore far enough, but my initial impression is confusion as it wasn't what I expected based on previous resource instances.

      I don't really like how the zone revolves around collecting items and converting them into other items then converting those into other items that you can then use to get the items you want in the first place. It seems very convoluted and more complicated than it needs to be - there's not many quests in the zone so instead you have to grind items for something to do. I also don't really like the idea of having to earn rep beyond Kindred status - that also just increases the grindiness of the zone. Ah well, maybe they couldn't devote too much creative effort to this Update because they're working on making the Mordor expansion really good. One can hope.