
Sunday 31 January 2016

Level 75 Beorning and Mounted Combat

Level 75 Beorning in the Wold, East Rohan

My Beorning, Tyravorth, has reached Level 75 at last and got her war-steed and learned the basics of mounted combat. Mounted Combat in LOTRO: some people love it, some people hate it, some people just put up with it. I'd say I put up with it. It's annoying but I can do it if I have to. Fortunately, it looks like it won't be too bad on Beornings as we have a couple of ranged abilities to use.

Back to levelling for a moment. So Tyravorth got to kindred with the Galadhrim in Lothlórien then headed off to Dunland at 65. She followed the epic quest and did the required number of quests in each area for the quest deed then moved on and reached kindred with the Men of Dunland while she was in the Dunbog. Unfortunately, not long after, the people of Tâl Methedras betrayed her to Saruman and she was taken prisoner in Isengard.

Isengard prison garb
She escaped and returned to Tâl Methedras to help rescue the rest of the Rangers and get revenge on her betrayers, but was ultimately outnumbered and had to retreat. Nevertheless, the Rangers were very grateful to her and gave her gifts of cosmetic Ranger armour before sending her off to help their new ally, Prince Théodred, in the Gap of Rohan. She had just finished destroying the Dunlending supplies and defeating White Hand orcs in Cuvnerth when she reached level 74 and was summoned to Rohan. She didn't need to be asked twice!

In East Rohan, she helped the people of Langhold and received Thane Usted's war-steed after he fell in battle. At level 74, the war-steed had only one ability: Slash, a basic short-ranged attack, with a few additional effects depending on which Discipline you choose.

The war-steed disciplines for Beornings match the trait trees - Rohirrim (blue) is tanking, Red Dawn (red) is DPS, and Riddermark (yellow) is healing.

When you get to level 75, your war-steed gets more class-specific abilities (plus general abilities available to all classes):
  • Ferocious Roar - a long-ranged attack.
  • Bee Swarm - a long ranged attack with a DoT that can apply to 3 targets.
  • Execute - a hard-hitting short-ranged attack.
  • Recuperate - a heal.
Personally, my experience of mounted combat in LOTRO is less like linear jousting and more like going round and round the roundabout - I find the easiest method is riding rings around my target from a distance and shooting them with a ranged ability until dead. Usually circles (generally easier but boring and sometimes causes motion-sickness or dizziness if the circles are too small), but sometimes figure eights so we can get some straight runs and meet in the middle to use those melee abilities. Note that you do more damage if you can hit them while travelling in a straight line (maximum fury; moving in circles you lose fury and thus damage because you're constantly changing direction). When riding across fields, I tend to steer with my mouse and control speed with W (faster) and S (slower, double-tap to stop suddenly). In combat, when riding in circles I often switch to using A and D or the arrow-keys to turn (but use the mouse for doing figure eights) and the number keys for my abilities. I try not to fight standing still while mounted because you take so much more damage.

Ranged abilities are king for mounted combat, so with the Beorning I will be mainly alternating between Ferocious Roar and Bee Swarm and using Slash or Execute if the target gets close and Recuperate if I'm badly injured.

At Harwick in the Wold, there is a tutorial for mounted combat. I nearly skipped it, but checked the rewards and realised that's where you get your first Legendary War-steed Bridle, so I did it. It can be a bit annoying manouevering around the track, but I found it was easiest at a horse speed of roughly 10 m/s - I could line up for the flags and jumps and had time to realign for the next one. A couple of times I went too fast and missed them and had to go back and do them again slower. For the final part of the tutorial where you have to hit the target at each end of the tilt-yard, tab-target and use the ranged attacks! Makes it a breeze.

For spending my war-horse trait points, I tend to spread my points out - some damage, some defenses, some utility and then  once I've got all the traits I want, I spend the rest in the attributes up the top - mainly Agility for better manouevering, Strength for more damage, and Power to be able to use more abilities.

At level 75, Tyravorth's now got enough class trait points to put some in a second tree. I've been levelling using the blue tree but she's filled out what she wants there and is now putting points in red to do more Thrash damage and Bleed damage and then she'll go for critical strike and melee damage. However, since she's got to East Rohan, she's been trying out the red tree again and putting some points in blue to get extra wrath from Hearten and increase Biting Edge AOE damage and then I'm not sure whether to go for extra Vitality and Slam damage from blue, or maybe increase Vicious Claws damage and get a healing buff when using Slash from the yellow tree. In her blue tree spec, she's doing around 400-600 dps, in her red tree spec, around 800-1200 dps but she still takes a lot of damage when red-specced.

So, my Beorning is finally on the last leg of the levelling journey - her next big milestone will be reaching max level.

I hope to take her through Gondor slowly. Myndariel, my main character, rushed through it and skipped parts because she was already level 100 and just wanted to see the new content quickly then get back to work on her reputation grinds for the World Renowned title. Myndariel also hasn't cared much for getting the best gear, just enough to get through the content. I'd like to get Tyravorth some better gear and get her stats and virtues capped to make her the toughest little bear she can be.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Legendary Titles for Beornings (and Might-based Classes)

So my Beorning just got a new legendary weapon and needs a new title. Which titles would be useful and where do I get them from?

Here are a few suggestions that may be useful for might-based classes. Note that higher tier titles are generally available at higher levels and offer higher stats.

Legendary Weapon Titles

Regarding damage types, in general use Beleriand (good against a range of common enemies), use Westernesse against undead-type mobs and Light or Cries against orcs and goblins.

Tip: If you switch between roles in groups and use the same legendary weapon, Might of Eldar Days is probably the best title to use as it increases both physical and tactical mastery as well as avoidance (mainly parry).

DPS Weapon Titles

Recommended while Levelling:
Conflict of Eldar Days - Beleriand Damage and Physical Mastery.

Recommended for Level 100:
Potency of Eldar Days - Beleriand Damage and Critical Rating.

Guardian of the Deep Halls - Ancient Dwarf Damage (tier 1)
From epic quest Vol 2, Book 1, Chapter 10 or from repeatable quest The Training Hall [54] in Dolven-view, Moria.
Scion of the Drowned Kingdom - Westernesse Damage (tier 1)
From epic quest Vol 2, Book 1, Chapter 10 or from repeatable quest The Morroval-outcasts [57] in Dolven-view, Moria.
Hero of Caras Galadhon - Beleriand Damage + Damage to Orc-kind (tier 1)
From barterer in Caras Galadhon, Lothlórien (requires Ally standing with Galadhrim).
Conflict of Eldar Days I - Beleriand Damage + Physical Mastery (tier 1)
From repeatable quest The Defense of Galtrev [75] in Galtrev, Dunland.
Might of Eldar Days I - Beleriand Damage + Might (tier 1)
From Limlight Gorge Rewards Vendor in Stangard, Great River (requires Ally standing with Heroes of Limlight Gorge).

Conflict of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Physical Mastery (tier 2)
From repeatable quest Parphád: Order of Magnitude [85] in Hytbold, East Rohan.
Might of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Might (tier 2)
From Eastemnet Miscellany Quartermaster in towns throughout East Rohan.
Potency of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Critical Rating (tier 2)
From barterer in Forlaw, Wildermore (requires Kindred standing with People of Wildermore).

Conflict of Eldar Days III - Beleriand Damage + Physical Mastery (tier 3)
From Quickbeam in Derndingle, West Rohan (requires Friend standing with The Ents of Fangorn Forest).
Potency of Eldar Days III - Beleriand Damage + Critical Rating (tier 3)
From Dol Amroth Quartermaster in Dol Amroth, West Gondor (requires Friend standing with Dol Amroth).
From Quartermaster (Pelargir) in major towns in Central Gondor (requires Friend standing with Pelargir).
From Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in major towns in Eastern Gondor.

Tanking Weapon Titles

Recommended while Levelling:
Grace of Eldar Days - Beleriand Damage and Evade.

Recommended for Level 100:
Keeper of Eldar Days - Beleriand Damage and Critical Defence.

Defender of Eldar Days I - Beleriand Damage + Parry (tier 1)
From epic quest Vol 3, Book 5, Chapter 4 or from Limlight Gorge Rewards Vendor in Stangard, Great River (requires Ally standing with Heroes of Limlight Gorge).
Grace of Eldar Days I - Beleriand Damage + Evade (tier 1)
From Limlight Gorge Rewards Vendor in Stangard, Great River (requires Ally standing with Heroes of Limlight Gorge).
Vitality of Eldar Days I - Beleriand Damage + Vitality (tier 1)
From Limlight Gorge Rewards Vendor in Stangard, Great River (requires Ally standing with Heroes of Limlight Gorge).

Defender of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Parry (tier 2)
From Eastemnet Miscellany Quartermaster in towns throughout East Rohan.
Grace of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Evade (tier 2)
From Eastemnet Miscellany Quartermaster in towns throughout East Rohan.
Vitality of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Vitality (tier 2)
From Eastemnet Miscellany Quartermaster in towns throughout East Rohan.
Keeper of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Critical Defence (tier 2)
From barterer in Forlaw, Wildermore (requires Kindred standing with People of Wildermore).

Keeper of Eldar Days III - Beleriand Damage + Critical Defence (tier 3)
From Dol Amroth Quartermaster in Dol Amroth, West Gondor (requires Friend standing with Dol Amroth).
From Quartermaster (Pelargir) in major towns in Central Gondor (requires Friend standing with Pelargir).
From Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in major towns in Eastern Gondor.

Healing Weapon Titles

Recommended while Levelling:
Knowledge of Eldar Days - Beleriand Damage and Tactical Mastery.

Recommended for Level 100:
Potency of Eldar Days - Beleriand Damage and Critical Rating.

Knowledge of Eldar Days I - Beleriand Damage + Tactical Mastery (tier 1)
From repeatable quest The Defense of Galtrev [75] in Galtrev, Dunland.
Might of Eldar Days I - Beleriand Damage + Might (tier 1)
From Limlight Gorge Rewards Vendor in Stangard, Great River (requires Ally standing with Heroes of Limlight Gorge).

Knowledge of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Tactical Mastery (tier 2)
From repeatable quest Parphád: Order of Magnitude [85] in Hytbold, East Rohan.
Might of Eldar Days II - Beleriand Damage + Might (tier 2)
From Eastemnet Miscellany Quartermaster in towns throughout East Rohan.

Knowledge of Eldar Days III - Beleriand Damage + Tactical Mastery (tier 3)
From Quickbeam in Derndingle, West Rohan (requires Friend standing with The Ents of Fangorn Forest).
Potency of Eldar Days III - Beleriand Damage + Critical Rating (tier 3)
From Dol Amroth Quartermaster in Dol Amroth, West Gondor (requires Friend standing with Dol Amroth).
From Quartermaster (Pelargir) in major towns in Central Gondor (requires Friend standing with Pelargir).
From Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in major towns in Eastern Gondor.

Legendary Class Item Titles

Class item titles generally provide extra mitigation and a choice of offensive or defensive stats.

Recommended while Levelling:
Ardent Might - Physical Mitigation and Might.
Enduring Might - Tactical Mitigation and Might.

Recommended for Level 100 DPS/Healers:
Ardent Strike - Physical Mitigation and Critical Rating.
Enduring Tactics - Tactical Mitigation and Critical Rating.

Recommended for Level 100 Tanks:
Ardent Shield - Physical Mitigation and Critical Defence.
Enduring Support - Tactical Mitigation and Critical Defence.

Stout Defender - Physical Mitigation (tier 1)
From repeatable quest A Flight of Drakes [54] in Echad Dúnann, Eregion.
Firm Resolve - Tactical Mitigation (tier 1)
From repeatable quest The Training Hall [54] in Dolven-view, Moria.
Ardent Warrior I - Physical Mitigation + Physical Mastery (tier 1)
Enduring Force I - Tactical Mitigation + Physical Mastery (tier 1)
Ardent Counsel I - Physical Mitigation + Tactical Mastery (tier 1)
Enduring Wisdom I - Tactical Mitigation + Tactical Mastery (tier 1)
From repeatable quest The Defense of Galtrev [75] in Galtrev, Dunland.
Ardent Defence I - Physical Mitigation + Parry (tier 1)
Ardent Hope I - Physical Mitigation + Evade (tier 1)
Ardent Strength I - Physical Mitigation + Block (tier 1) *not good for Beorning*
Ardent Vitality I - Physical Mitigation + Vitality (tier 1)
Ardent Might I - Physical Mitigation + Might (tier 1)
Enduring Might I - Tactical Mitigation + Might (tier 1)
From Stangard Rewards Vendor in Stangard, Great River (requires Ally standing with Riders of Stangard)

Steadfast Protector - Physical Mitigation (tier 2)
From repeatable quest The Siege of Barad Morlas [57] in Echad Dúnann, Eregion.
Iron Will - Tactical Mitigation (tier 2)
From repeatable quest The Ghost-Forge [57] in Dolven-view, Moria.
Ardent Warrior II - Physical Mitigation + Physical Mastery (tier 2)
Enduring Force II - Tactical Mitigation + Physical Mastery (tier 2)
Ardent Counsel II - Physical Mitigation + Tactical Mastery (tier 2)
Enduring Wisdom II - Tactical Mitigation + Tactical Mastery (tier 2)
From repeatable quest Parphád: Order of Magnitude [85] in Hytbold, East Rohan.
Ardent Defence II - Physical Mitigation + Parry (tier 2)
Ardent Hope II - Physical Mitigation + Evade (tier 2)
Ardent Strength II - Physical Mitigation + Block (tier 2) *not good for Beorning*
Ardent Vitality II - Physical Mitigation + Vitality (tier 2)
Ardent Might II - Physical Mitigation + Might (tier 2)
Enduring Might II - Tactical Mitigation + Might (tier 2)
From Eastemnet Miscellany Quartermaster in towns throughout East Rohan.

Stalwart Guardian - Physical Mitigation (tier 3)
From repeatable quest Midnight Raid [60] in Echad Dúnann, Eregion or from Legendary Vendors in Enedwaith.
Resolute Heart - Tactical Mitigation (tier 3)
From repeatable quest The Spider-nest [60] in Dolven-view, Moria or from Legendary Vendors in Enedwaith.
Ardent Warrior III - Physical Mitigation + Physical Mastery (tier 3)
Ardent Counsel III - Physical Mitigation + Tactical Mastery (tier 3)
Enduring Force III - Tactical Mitigation + Physical Mastery (tier 3)
Enduring Wisdom III - Tactical Mitigation + Tactical Mastery (tier 3)
From Quickbeam in Derndingle, West Rohan (requires Friend standing with The Ents of Fangorn Forest).
Ardent Strike III - Physical Mitigation + Critical Rating (tier 3)
Ardent Shield III - Physical Mitigation + Critical Defence (tier 3)
Enduring Tactics III - Tactical Mitigation + Critical Rating (tier 3)
Enduring Support III - Tactical Mitigation + Critical Defence (tier 3)
From Dol Amroth Quartermaster in Dol Amroth, West Gondor (requires Friend standing with Dol Amroth).
From Quartermaster (Pelargir) in major towns in Central Gondor (requires Friend standing with Pelargir).
From Quartermaster (Rangers of Ithilien) in major towns in Eastern Gondor.

Sunday 17 January 2016

Crafted Halberds Gallery Now Available

It's been a little while since I added any more crafted weapon galleries. I've been collecting images for the legendary weapons galleries and I discovered you can't preview minstrel instruments in the wardrobe, so I'll have to get some action shots for those.

Halberds are unique to Captains and I think the Crafted Halberds Gallery shows that they are pretty cool looking. There's a lot of variety in shape and style and I can't imagine why a Captain would want to use anything else.

I think for my Captain, I have three favourite crafted halberds that would look good with her outfit, but I also have to give a shout out to the Galadhrim Halberd - usually Galadhrim weapons are copies of another crafted weapon skin, but this one is unique and beautiful.

Favourite 1

Favourite 2

Favourite 3


Wednesday 13 January 2016

Random Ramble

It's a hot Wednesday afternoon (41ºC) in Australia and it's hard to concentrate. I'm downloading the new Diablo III patch and looking forward to getting back to playing my Beorning who has made it to Lothl­órien (yay!). She really is so much fun. She needs new legendaries though - her current ones are at max level but she's starting to feel it taking longer to kill mobs and some of the quest rewards she's received do as much or more dps than her legendary. :(

In Rift I'm trying to decide what to do with my new dimension. I've got a beautiful personal guild dimension, but ...

(Wow, one moment it's blue skies and calm, the next the wind is howling and visibility has been obliterated by a dust storm - I couldn't see the neighbours' houses! Five minutes later, the dust is almost gone, the blue skies are back but the wind is still bending the trees nearly horizontal. Crazy weather.)

... as I was saying, new dimension, need a new theme. My new dimension (Infinity Gate) has lots of stone squares and triangles and a great big portal like something from Stargate - but Stargate has been done to death in dimensions (very cool though it may be), so I need something different. Hmm, maybe something like the Dwarven gardens of Moria (Tharâkh Bazân)? They use lots of geometric patterns. Maybe the portal leads to Middle Earth and a stranded dwarf decided to remind himself of home?

In other random news, I'm reading Tolkien's Unfinished Tales at the moment. Interesting stuff, reading about other places and times than what is shared in the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. I've got the Silmarillion lined up to read next. I wish I could create such a detailed and fantastical universe like Tolkien. Alas, I'm better at writing SOPs than fiction. Such is life.

Diablo finished downloading. Shall I play it now - or Path of Exile? My characters in Diablo are all max level so there's not much for them to do but get better gear. The new patch did introduce a new zone, but that won't take long to explore. In Path of Exile, my character in the Hardcore Talisman league is only level 35 so has a long way to go. My last character died to Piety in Act 4 - didn't have enough movement speed to avoid her attacks. So I'm hoping this one will be faster and stronger and make it to Cruel. I don't usually play Hardcore, but, I thought for this league season I'd give it a try, and if the character dies they weren't fit enough to survive on Wraeclast. In Standard league I have a few characters around level 75 doing maps (I wish maps were available at low levels because they're fun and I wish Act 4 could be skipped because it's so gross), so they've still got challenges ahead to reach the max level 100 too.

Or maybe I should just log back into Middle Earth ...

Saturday 9 January 2016

The Ballad of Bingo Boffin - Part 2

Bingo's journey continues from the Forsaken Inn of the Lone-lands. See The Ballad of Bingo Boffin - Part 1 for his earlier adventures.

Chapter 11: The Last Treasure (level 26)

The Forsaken Inn seems a dreary place but Bingo has spotted two colourful characters he'd like to know more about. Theodore Gorse is a "well-known" master treasure seeker with great tales of searching the wilds. Haley Meadowsweet is a herb collector who seems to be stuck listening to Theodore's tales and doesn't believe he is all that great.

Bingo, on the other hand, is quite excited and wants to become a treasure seeker too so that he can go visit the wilds. Theodore doesn't want to teach Bingo, he wants to retire, but he offers a riddle that leads to a treasure in the Lone-lands that he never found and claims that if Bingo can find that, maybe Theodore will consider training him after all.

The first secret strongbox

The strongbox contains only a cryptic message on a piece of parchment but the treasure is gone. You return to Theodore at the Forsaken Inn with your news and he gets rather excited. Someone got to the treasure before he did, so the retirement is off - he has treasure to find! Bingo commends you on giving Theodore a reason to continue having new adventures instead of sitting in a tavern reliving old ones.

Chapter 12: Goose and Gander (level 28)

The cryptic message seems to hint at another treasure to be found. Bingo, Theodore and Haley are quite perplexed by it.

The second secret strongbox

You find the second strongbox also contains a message, "The End Now", but no treasure. Theodore assumes that means you've reached the end of the treasure hunt and is happy while Bingo is disappointed and thinks there must be more to it than that.

Chapter 13: The End Now? (level 32)

Bingo continues to puzzle over the cryptic message and suggests you ask Anlaf the Tavern Keep if there is anything you can do to help in the meantime. He asks if you could help move some supplies down to the basement storage room as his back isn't as strong as it used to be.

You return to Bingo and he has an idea from his childhood; hold the parchment up to the fire. You do so and some invisible letters appear. Now the message reads "ToHsEtEgNuDrNuOtWh". Bingo knows where to go and will meet you there.

At Ost Guruth, you find Bingo and Theodore waiting outside the tent of the real master treasure seeker. They are eager to meet the person who left them the clues. And who is it? Haley Meadowsweet emerges from the tent. Theodore is at first crestfallen to know that she was a better treasure hunter than him, but then he determines to learn from her and improve his skills.

The end of the treasure hunt

Chapter 14: A Restful Night (level 34)

Bingo is ready to move on to the Trollshaws and will meet you on the Last Bridge.When you get there you find Bingo tired from the walk and ready to camp for the night. Bingo finds a camping spot near the road and you set up a campfire. Bingo falls asleep pretty quickly and you stand guard. Your campsite is attacked by rats, crawlers, trolls and wights but Bingo sleeps through it all while you protect him. Finally the sun rises and Bingo wakes feeling refreshed and tells you about his pleasant dream of being a young lad at home and hearing pots and pans banging in the kitchen as breakfast was prepared. He's surprised by how tired you look though.

Chapter 15: A New Friend (level 35)

Bingo looks at his map and decides he wants to find the Glade of Three Smiling Figures.

Also known as the Stone-trolls' Glade

At the glade, you found a lynx in a trap and Bingo asked you to free it. The lynx starts following Bingo and he wants you to shoo it away (it has no effect). Bingo thinks maybe Willem Whisker (he named the lynx) is hungry and asks you to find it some venison. The lynx enjoys it and Bingo decides to let him join in on the journey to Rivendell.

Chapter 16: A Hospitable Home (level 39)

Bingo asks you to inform Elrond of your visit while he goes to find a good meal. Elrond is happy for you to stay as long as you're well-behaved. He also suggests introducing Bilbo Baggins to Bingo. You find Bingo has already found his way to the Hall of Fire and is deep in conversation with Bilbo, swapping news about the Shire and Rivendell. Bilbo offers to draw a map of Rivendell to show Bingo all the notable landmarks.

Bingo notices a similarity between this map of Rivendell and the map of Eriador he found in the cookbook. Bilbo admits that before he left the Shire he left the map in the cookbook in hopes that one day a hobbit would find it and seek to explore the world as he has. He is delighted the Bingo found it and hopes that he has a wonderful adventure - but hopefully without any dragons involved!

Chapter 17: Notes By the Author (level 40)

Bingo has many questions for Bilbo and would like to know what Bilbo thinks of his manuscript, but he's too shy to ask himself. You show the manuscript to Bilbo and he takes some time to read it. Afterwards, he gives some feedback and Bingo is disappointed. He feels like his journey hasn't been exciting or dangerous enough to impress Bilbo.

Getting advice about adventuring from Bilbo Baggins

Bingo asks you to go kill some dangerous creatures in the Trollshaws and make more notes on the Ford of Bruinen so he can spice up his manuscript. Bilbo reads the changes and advises that Bingo should focus on communicating to his audience how his adventures made him feel, not try to make it sound more dangerous or use lots of describing words for the sake of it. Be sincere. Bingo respects Bilbo's opinion but still hopes his journey will be more exciting in future.

Chapter 18: A Snowy Climb (level 42)

Bingo has heard from the elves of Rivendell about the dangers of the Misty Mountains and thinks hunting snow-beasts and snow-lurkers would be perfect for adding more excitement to his manuscript. After hunting the creatures, Bingo decides to head north and finds an injured dwarf who was ambushed by the Corcur. Bingo says that heroes must help him so sends you off with his pet lynx Willem Whisker to find some healing herbs. You give the dwarf the herbs and will have to wait and see whether they help or not.

Chapter 19: A Dangerous Detour (level 43)

As the dwarf, Spalvi, recovers his strength, he tells Bingo that he and his brothers were bringing an artifact - a necklace called the Rothstone - through the mountains when they were ambushed and robbed by the Corcur. The dwarf thinks they took the artifact to Helegrod, so Bingo suggests we go get on an adventure to get it back.

Outside Helegrod

Spalvi tells Bingo about the history of Helegrod, an ancient dwarven fortress, once home to a dragon, and more recently, orcs, giants and now Corcur. The dwarves still want it back too.

You fight your way in and pause at the top of the front stairs. Spalvi says that these Corcur were not the ones that attacked him and suggests we enter the courtyard to hunt for them. The door to Helegrod opens and inside the courtyard are Dourhands celebrating their victory over the Corcur and their retrieval of the artifact. Bingo sees them and exclaims about how they are villains and "unsavoury dwarves" - turns out Spalvi is one of them too! He suggests taking Bingo hostage instead of killing him since we saved Spalvi's life. Bingo thinks it's all a misunderstanding and he'll sort it out and meet us back at Glóin's Camp.

Back at Glóin's Camp, there is no sign of Bingo. Glóin is furious at the Dourhands and suggests that we'll need a daring plan to rescue Bingo.

Chapter 20: A Daring Plan (level 45)

Glóin thinks you might be able to find out where Bingo is by defeating the Dourhands at their fortress called Gabilizan until they talk. There you find an empty prisoner's cage and as you wonder where Bingo is, a guard attacks you and claims you released the halfling prisoner.

You search the slopes beyond Gabilizan and find Spalvi standing near a hole in the ground. He apologises for deceiving you and says that he was the one who freed Bingo, but as they were making their escape, the ground gave way under Bingo and he fell into the hole.

Poor Bingo!

He wants to make things right and suggests getting food and water from Gabilizan to drop down the hole, in case Bingo survived. When you return, he tells you that a group of Dourhand surveyors went into Goblin-town to map the tunnels for Skorgrím but never came back - maybe Bingo fell into one of those caverns?

Bingo's journey just got more "exciting" .... (more to come in Part 3)

Friday 1 January 2016

Scenic Tour: The Shire

I know I've done quite a few scenic tours of zones in LOTRO but when I sat down and made a list, I couldn't find one for the Shire. I'm kind of not surprised - it's a beautiful zone but the questing is so annoying (think postman and pie deliveries) that I generally skip it.

Here are some of the highlights of the Shire and why even if you don't quest there, you should still go for a pleasure stroll or a nice slow horse-ride (or goat-ride if you prefer) around the zone.

Bounders Bounty Memorial Garden - Michel Delving
Sunset at Bywater Bridge
The weather in the Shire is generally glorious - bright blue skies with wispy white clouds and amazing sunrises and sunsets.

Farming country
Market towns
It's a peaceful place, the people of the Shire are mostly farmers, selling their produce at the local markets.

Bag End
The Party Tree
And of course, fans of Bilbo and Frodo Baggins will want to visit where they lived. Bag End is open to view inside. There's always activity at the Party Tree. And to finish off, why not stop by The Ivy Bush tavern in Hobbiton for a drink and to listen to the locals telling tales about Bilbo and his adventures?