
Thursday 29 October 2015

Level 100 Gear Updated for U17

Last year when West Gondor was released I wrote an article about level 100 gear for Lore-masters. With the arrival of update 17 and a new tier of crafted gear plus new factions, it seems time to reconsider how we gear up, but I'll try to be more general so as to be relevant to all classes.

Skirmish Camps

Item Level 192

Skirmish camps have rare quality level 100 armour, weapons and accessories available for marks and medallions. A few pieces of the rare quality Nadhin armour set with essence slots are also available from the light/medium/heavy armour vendors.

Dol Amroth Faction (West Gondor)

Item Level 192

Dol Amroth offers barterers with incomparable quality armour sets; class-specific sets (including legendary second age weapon) plus light/medium/heavy sets with essence slots for customisation (variations of the essence slot armour may also be available as quest rewards or world drops). These items are purchased with tokens earned by completing quests and daily quests around Dol Amroth.

Scalable Instances

Item Level 192

Scalable instances set to level 100 can drop incomparable quality armour, jewellery and off-hand weapons of the Greater set (or rare quality items of the Potent set) but there are no set bonuses. These items may also be found on the auction house.

World Drops

Item Level 192

Light/medium/heavy sets of incomparable quality gear with set bonuses may drop from mobs or be available from the auction house. For example, the Guardian of Watchwood set of light armour.

With similar stat weightings to the Greater and Potent sets, the uncommon quality Lesser set also drops from mobs and can be found on the auction house.

Epic Battles

Item Level 192-204

Completing the quests in epic battles can reward jewellery of various qualities or tokens that can be used to purchase class-specific jewellery.

The Minas Tirith epic battles can reward epic quality cloaks with an essence slot.

Rangers of Ithilien Faction (East Gondor)

Item Levels 195-198

The quartermaster sells rare quality shoulders and jewellery and incomparable quality off-hand weapons for tokens earned by completing quests and tasks in East Gondor.

Osgiliath Instances (East Gondor)

Item Level 201

The Osgiliath Rewards Vendor sells incomparable quality light/medium/heavy armour sets with essence slots for tokens earned from Osgiliath instances.

Crafting - Tier 10 (Anórien)

Item Level 201

Rare or incomparable quality items can now be crafted with most armour and jewellery having essence slots.

Minas Tirith Fellowships (Old Anórien)

Item Level 204

Fellowships within Minas Tirith have different incomparable armour available for the appropriate tokens (earned by completing daily quests near Minas Tirith). The armour has essence slots.

Builder's Fellowship - head, shoulders, chest
Smith's Fellowship - gloves, legs, feet

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Scenic Tour: Vale of Anduin

I've recently started a little Beorning and so far I'm finding it an interesting class but it doesn't feel fully developed. The starting area was the same. The Vale of Anduin is a pretty little glen but the village seems practically deserted and the introductory experience was so short that you don't really get to find out what it means to be a Beorning. You get sent on your way to Archet and instead of giving you quests to level up and learn your class and history, you're just automatically made level 5 - what a shortcut!

The entrance to the Vale of Anduin
Carrock, with the stairs built by Beorn
Who lives here? What are other Beorning like?
Sigh. Home alone.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Crafted Daggers Gallery Available

My burglar was happy to show off her crafted daggers, but only in the shadows of the forges of Thorin's Hall for some sneaky reason. You can now view the daggers gallery too.

The daggers were very simple and very similar at low levels. The Supreme tier daggers were my favourite with their unique shapes, gold and jewels. Fortunately, the higher tiers also showed some interesting variations in weapon shape.

Typical Low-level Dagger

Supreme Tier Dagger

Level 75 Dagger

I expect the legendary daggers will show off some more bling. I'll have to look out for nice quest rewards too. My burglar wants to fill her lair with dangerous but beautiful weapons that will prove she has robbed rich and powerful villains and lived to tell the tale (whispered in dark alleys and shady taverns).

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Farming Pipe-weed

I was recently asked about pipe-weed farming and cross-breeding in LOTRO and I promised to look into it. My farmer has never grown pipe-weed (until now) because she focused on crops used for cooking and dye-making, but she's decided she's willing to support the smokers and drinkers in Bree with pipe-weed and strong drinks.

Once she got started growing the pipe-weed, she found it very interesting. There's the descriptions of the pipe-weed, the celebration of harvesting a cross-breed seed and she even found the different smoke-ring patterns intriguing (after she got over her coughing fit from accidentally inhaling the smoke).

Pipe-weed Descriptions:

  • Longbottom Leaf: "A sturdy variety of pipe-weed, long grown in Southfarthing."
  • Rushlight: "A poor sort of pipe-weed, usually grown in the Shire."
  • Southlinch: "A poor sort of pipe-weed, usually grown in Bree."
  • Sweet Lobelia: "A novelty variety of pipe-weed, which many find distasteful."
  • Muddy Foot: "A variety of pipe-weed with an earthy flavour."
  • Tighfield Choice: "A decent sort of pipe-weed, traditionally grown in Tighfield."
  • Hornblower: "Named in honour of the first hobbit to grow pipe-weed in the shire, Tobold Hornblower."
  • Southern Star: "A variety of pipe-weed usually grown in the Southfarthing."
  • Old Toby: "A fine grade of pipe-weed, named after Tobold Hornblower."
  • Shire Sweet-leaf: "A fragrant variety of pipe-weed, prized by Lore-masters."
  • Sweet Galenas: "A variety of pipe-weed believed to be a favourite of the ancient King."
  • Roper's Twist: "An early variety of pipe-weed grown in Gamwich."
  • Dragon's Breath: "A variety of pipe-weed said to glow with an eerie fire when smoked."
  • Eagle's Nest: "Some of the finest pipe-weed to come out of the Southfarthing."
  • Gamwich Braid: "The greatest variety of pipe-weed ever grown in Gamwich."
  • Wizard's Fire: "A pipe-weed representing the best of all leaf known to hobbits."
  • Fungo's Fuzzy-leaf: "A variety of pipe-weed that has distinctive hairy leaves."
  • Gold-fire: "A tasty variation of pipe-weed that combines the best of both Wizard's Fire and Fungo's Fuzzy-leaf."

Pipe-weed Farming Results:

No special soil was used in growing these crops. Crop yields were rounded to the nearest 0.1, or for yields of less than 0.05, rounded up to 0.1 rather than down to 0.0 (since if the yield was zero there would be no reason to include it in the table).

I received 1-10 leaf crops per field plus the occasional cross-breed seed of the same or next tier (e.g. planting apprentice pipe-weed granted me a few journeyman cross-breed seeds).

It was actually profitable to vendor the pouches. For example, it cost 14 silver to plant 50 fields of Longbottom Leaf and vendoring the 856 pouches of pipe-weed earned 25 silver. Tool repairs reduce profits slightly. It may be even more profitable to sell pipe-weed or cross-breed seeds on auction house or via trade, but when I looked at the auction house on my server there was very little on offer.

The higher tiers of seeds are harder to get. You need to grow a lot of the common tier 3 seeds to get enough tier 4 cross-breed seeds and hope that those cross-breed seeds generate enough tier 5 seeds (Wizard's Fire) to get some tier 6 seeds (Fungo's Fuzzy-leaf and Gold-fire). I tried using special soil to see if that would increase the seeds yield, but although I got more crops (6.5 crops/field) and more seeds of the same tier (0.5 seeds/field), it didn't increase the number of seeds of the next tier (0.1 seeds/field).

At tier 7 (Westfold), you need reputation with Theodréd's Riders to buy the Wild Pipe-weed Field recipe. You can buy wild pipe-weed seeds from vendors. Unfortunately, my farmer isn't high enough level to get reputation, so I can't experiment with this just yet.

Pipe-weed (Tier)FieldsCropsCrop YieldSmoke-ring
Longbottom Leaf (T1)85320 Longbottom Leaf
4 Muddy Foot Seed
5 Tighfield Choice Seed
One Ring
Rushlight (T1)3079 Rushlight
2 Muddy Foot Seed
One Ring
Southlinch (T1)30117 Southlinch
2 Muddy Foot Seed
1 Tighfield Choice Seed
Puff of Smoke
Sweet Lobelia (T1)30116 Sweet Lobelia
1 Muddy Foot Seed
1 Tighfield Choice Seed
Two Rings
Hornblower (T2)3097 Hornblower
4 Muddy Foot Seed
4 Tighfield Choice Seed
1 Dragon's Breath Seed
Double Ring
Southern Star (T2)80273 Southern Star
11 Muddy Foot Seed
4 Tighfield Choice
5 Roper's Twist Seed
8 Dragon's Breath Seed
Double Ring
Muddy Foot * (T2)2179 Muddy Foot
1 Muddy Foot Seed
2 Tighfield Choice Seed
3 Dragon's Breath Seed
Triple Ring
Tighfield Choice * (T2)1662 Tighfield Choice
2 Muddy Foot Seed
2 Tighfield Choice Seed
Double Ring
Old Toby (T3)80297 Old Toby
7 Dragon's Breath Seed
13 Roper's Twist Seed
4 Eagle's Nest Seed
2 Gamwich Braid Seed
Heart around Ring
Shire Sweet-leaf (T3)3099 Shire Sweet-leaf
3 Dragon's Breath Seed
4 Roper's Twist Seed
2 Eagle's Nest Seed
2 Gamwich Braid Seed
3 Butterflies
Sweet Galenas (T3)65215 Sweet Galenas
11 Dragon's Breath Seed
7 Roper's Twist Seed
2 Eagle's Nest Seed
6 Gamwich Braid Seed
Roper's Twist * (T3)54197 Roper's Twist
4 Roper's Twist Seed
3 Dragon's Breath Seed
2 Eagle's Nest Seed
4 Gamwich Braid Seed
Dragon's Breath * (T3)50193 Dragon's Breath
7 Roper's Twist Seed
9 Dragon's Breath Seed
3 Eagle's Nest Seed
4 Gamwich Braid Seed
Eagle's Nest * (T4)2165 Eagle's Nest
1 Eagle's Nest Seed
4 Gamwich Braid Seed
Gamwich Braid * (T4)2888 Gamwich Braid
2 Eagle's Nest Seed
3 Wizard's Fire Seed
Wizard's Fire * (T5)312 Wizard's Fire
1 Gold-fire Seed
Note: * indicates the pipe-weed is a cross-breed variety.

Longbottom Leaf produces one ring

Sweet Lobelia produces two rings

Old Toby produces a heart and ring

Shire Sweet-leaf produces 3 butterflies

Dragon's Breath produces a dragon

Gamwich Braid produces a dark fish

Summer Festival Special Varieties

There are three special varieties of pipeweed that are only available during Summer Festival. The recipes and seeds are sold by Pipeweed Vendors in major festival locations (i.e. Celondim and Thorin's Hall in Ered Luin, Bree Festival Grounds in Bree-land, and The Party Tree in The Shire).

Pipe-weed (Tier)FieldsCropsCrop YieldSmoke-ring
Stonecrop Leaf (T1)30116 Stonecrop Leaf3.9Stampeding Beast?
Lengalenas (T3)3096 Lengalenas3.2Crossed Swords
Summer Green-weed (T5)30102 Summer Green-weed3.4Pipe

The Stonecrop Leaf smoke pattern seems rather hard to distinguish. At first I thought it a row-boat, then I thought it might be a galloping steed, but then it seems to have a huge jaw or horns or tusks ... or maybe it's just a puff of smoke and she's imagining things! If anyone has a better suggestion, I'd love to hear it!

Stonecrop Leaf produces confusion
Lengalenas produces crossed swords
Summer green-weed produces a pipe